Our team is shocked by the unjustified, unprovoked, and immoral military aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. We stand in full solidarity with Ukraine, applauding the Ukrainians for their immense courage to defend their country. Their fight is our fight, as they stand up for values of freedom and democracy we all share as Europeans.
Concerned about the social impact of this war, we have decided to start a new project within the lab called: “Fears and Hopes. The war in Ukraine through Polish eyes”. This project aims to analyse attitudes towards war in Ukraine and the various forms of disinformation used to escalate negative attitudes towards refugees from Ukraine in Poland. As a part of the project, we have started a cyclical survey in which every week we ask a representative sample of 1000 Poles about their attitudes towards the problems related to the war in Ukraine. To further analyse the sentiments related to Ukraine, as well as the attempts made to misinform public opinion, we also plan to investigate the information from social media. In this project, we try to combine classical sociological methods with digital data analysis.
We present the first results of our research below. These are preliminary results, and we will publish more detailed analyses in the coming weeks.